
  2023年4月25日,沪佳装饰集团董事长李刚、总裁丁建、总裁助理王其龙、 总裁助理、营销管理中心总经理曹肖飞、集采中心总监张圣君、材料部总监罗松、营销管理中心副总监庄卫共同接待瑞士西卡集团来访人员CEO of Sika group Thomas Halsler、CFO of Sika group Adrian Widmer、President& CEO Region Asia Pacific APAC Mike Campion、RegionalController Finance-APAC Christian Gartmann等中国区领导。沪佳装饰集团董事长李刚携沪佳装饰集团全体对此次访问表示热烈欢迎,并献花致以敬意。

  On April 25, 2023, Li Gang, Chairman ofHuJia Decoration Group, Ding Jian, President, Wang Qilong, President's Assistant,Cao Xiaofei, General Manager of Marketing Management Center, Zhang Shengjun,Director of Procurement Center, Luo Song, Director of Materials Department, andZhuang Wei, Deputy Director of Marketing Management Center, jointly receivedthe visiting team from Sika Group, including CEO of Sika Group Thomas Halsler,CFO of Sika Group Adrian Widmer, President & CEO Region Asia Pacific APACMike Campion, Regional Controller Finance-APAC Christian Gartmann, and otherleaders of the China region.Li Gang, Chairman of HuJia Decoration Group,together with the whole team of HuJia Decoration Group, warmly welcomed thevisiting team and presented flowers in tribute.

  沪佳装饰集团营销指挥中心总经理、老西门总部店总经理曹肖飞带领西卡集团CEO以及中国区负责人参观老西门总部店。在参观的过程中,曹肖飞总经理介绍了沪佳装饰20000m²的老西门总部店,分别介绍了沪佳装饰材料展区、样板房展区、沪佳服务模式以及目前西卡产品的使用情况,同时曹总表示:“我们的业主顾客对西卡产品非常认可,满意度也越来越高。” 西卡集团一行人员对沪佳装饰集团的装修服务模式非常认可,也对沪佳装饰集团洋溢的工作氛围连连称赞。

  Cao Xiaofei, General Manager of MarketingCommand Center and General Manager of Laoximen Headquarters Store, led the SikaGroup CEO and China Region representatives to visit the Laoximen HeadquartersStore. During the visit, General Manager Cao Xiaofei introduced the HuJiaDecoration Laoximen Headquarters Store, covering a total area of 20,000 squaremeters, including the HuJia Decoration Material Exhibition Area, model roomexhibition area, service mode, and current use of Sika products. GeneralManager Cao also expressed, "Our homeowners and customers have highrecognition of Sika products, and their satisfaction is also increasing."The Sika Group team highly appreciated the decoration service mode of HuJiaDecoration Group and praised the lively work atmosphere of HuJia DecorationGroup.


  In the meeting, Chairman Li Gang of HuJiaDecoration Group stated, "HuJia Decoration Group is a local enterprisebased in Shanghai. HuJia advocates the business philosophy of 'treatinghomeowners as family members and not letting them suffer any grievances'. Therecognition of Shanghai citizens is also the driving force for HuJia'sdevelopment. HuJia Decoration Group will gradually move towards the wholecountry and the world. Shanghai citizens have increasingly high requirementsfor the quality of life and value the quality of decoration. Sika Group'shigh-quality products will also be increasingly recognized by customers. Wehope that Sika Group will increase its promotion efforts in Shanghai and givemore incentives to bring tangible benefits to every homeowner."

  西卡集团CEO Thomas Hasler表示非常感谢沪佳装饰集团的欢迎,同时非常认可沪佳的服务理念,他表示:沪佳集团是一家注重客户服务质量,坚持把客户放在第一位的负责任的企业,同时阐明以客户为中心的经营服务理念也是西卡发展至今获得成功的重要的价值理念之一。西卡集团非常愿意和沪佳装饰集团这种,具有共同服务理念的公司共同合作,也希望在此基础上深化合作模式,推动西卡在上海市场的发展。

  The CEO of Sika Group, Thomas Hasler,expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome from HuJia Decoration Group andacknowledged their customer service philosophy. He stated that HuJia Group is aresponsible company that values customer service quality and always puts theircustomers first. He also highlighted that the customer-centric servicephilosophy is one of the key values that has contributed to Sika's success.Sika Group is willing to cooperate with companies that share the same servicephilosophy as HuJia Decoration Group, and hopes to deepen the cooperation topromote Sika's development in the Shanghai market.



  HuJia Decoration Group adheres to thebusiness philosophy of putting homeowners at the center and ensuring they arenot inconvenienced, allowing them to consume transparently and have peace ofmind during decoration. With integrity as the foundation, efficiency as thecore, results-oriented, and adherence to rules and regulations, HuJia helpshomeowners achieve their desires to improve their home environment. HuJia iscommitted to honesty, clarity, and sincerity as their service philosophy, deeplyimplementing the HuJia spirit by prioritizing customer service. HuJiaDecoration Group is steadfast in promoting enterprise development and committedto creating a great blueprint for the decoration industry in Shanghai withtheir partners.

  In the future, HuJia Decoration Group willactively seek and introduce more global big-brand materials, consolidate andenrich the HuJia material system, further internationalize and brand HuJiamaterials, and strive to control procurement costs through group procurementadvantages to enable Shanghai homeowners to enjoy the benefits ofcost-effective materials while also experiencing more international qualitymaterials. This commitment remains unchanged.


重磅!西卡集团首席执行官Thomas Hasler一行访华
探索、升级、合作、共赢!沪佳与欧派强强联合 共创美好未来 ——沪佳与欧派签署战略合作协议
强强联合 瑞士恩仕华耐家居北京体验店盛大开业
重磅发布 | 西卡连续入围胡润世界500强

网址: 强强联合!瑞士西卡全球总裁光临沪佳集团总部 http://m.zx3q.com/newsview490454.html
