喜讯 | 乾正设计荣获加拿大GPD设计大奖Grands Prix Du Design Aw...

  近日,乾正设计收到来自加拿大GPD设计大奖Grands Prix Du Design Award 2021组委会寄来的铂金大奖和年度大奖奖杯,ARIZON乾正设计参赛作品SHANGHAI JOY CITY KID’S WORLD上海大悦城潮童天地获此两项殊荣。


  关于   加拿大北美设计大奖(GPD) Grands Prix du Design Award

  GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN是北美著名设计奖项,于2007年在蒙特利尔设立,该奖项最初只对在加拿大魁北克经营的公司开放,第14届GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN Awards向全球候选人开放征集作品。

  赛事主办方同时拥有具30年以上历史的SIDIM蒙特利尔国际设计展和《INTRIEURS》设计杂志。每年有近70名来自全球的顶·尖专业人士、著名学者和有影响力的新闻界人士,将用他们的知识、经验和专长来评估GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN所提交的项目和产品的优秀程度。

  About Designer关于设计师


  ARIZON乾正设计 | 创始人兼主设计师Founder and Chief Designer


  The space he hopes to build is the coexistence of human and environment, He appreciates developing ECO-FASHION style commercial projects under the ideology of HUMAN-NATURE MUTUALISM COEXISTENCE. Endow the space with super inclusiveness, making the whole building and business ecology grow freely, bringing a life style that influences the life circle beyond.


  He holds firm faith that only the perfect combination of advanced business management brains and architecture spatial design can create successful commercial projects. He adheres to the mission of "design driven business future" and the persistence of fully exploring the potential of architectural aesthetics, and creates space into a creative field, bringing heartfelt touches to people.


  He thinks fashion is an infra-mince imagery of virtual reflection, however a vital architecture space can absorb wits from the nature, Through the perfect combination of avant-garde artistic expressions and "eco-fashion" aesthetic idea,Target the consistent construction of awakening and unprecedented spatial experiences.


  ARIZON乾正设计(全称:上海乾正建筑装饰设计有限公司)由设计师申俊伟JUNWEI SHEN先生于2008年在上海创立,专注于为精品百货、购物中心、城市综合体等空间提供整体规划、室内设计及顾问服务,所完成项目屡获国际专业奖项,是精品百货及购物中心领域最具前沿及专业化的设计机构之一。

  Arizon Design (Shanghai Arizon Architecture & Interior Design Co., Ltd.) was founded in 2008 by designer Mr. Junwei Shen.specializes in overall planning, interior design and consulting services for commercial space including Boutique department store and shopping center. With practical projects earning numerous international professional awards, Arizon Design is one of the most prominent and professional leading design institutions in exquisite department store and shopping center design field.


  ArizonDesign, born from the metaphoric meaning in “Lively the energy of universe, where the resource of all is yielded and everything starts” (from I Ching), fabricates architecture space that possesses adaptive vitality and that can endure changes by investing infinite creativity and inspiration, looming ECO-FASHION aesthetics in architecture space.  DESIGN DRIVES THE FUTURE OF YOUR BUSINESS as the mission, assist customers in attaining a growing business value!


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网址: 喜讯 | 乾正设计荣获加拿大GPD设计大奖Grands Prix Du Design Aw... http://m.zx3q.com/newsview411428.html
