The theme of RUYI Guangzhou exhibition is “Harmony without Uniformity”, which originally came from RUYI’ s new sofa series in 2020. The new sofa is composed of three natural “big stone” docks. Each stone is a unique individual just like in nature, but at the same time they can be combined to form an organic whole. On the top of “big stones” are small “stone” cushions which can be moved freely to provide an open opportunity for sharing. The theme “harmony without uniformity” was exactly born from the combination of both independence and incorporation.
As Confucius said, “gentlemen seek harmony but not uniformity”. “Harmony without uniformity” means to accommodate and understand the diversity of viewpoints while insisting on one’s own individual differences and independent perspectives. “Harmony without uniformity” embodies the inclusive wisdom of Chinese culture. In a diversified contemporary society, the spirit of “harmony without uniformity” becomes increasingly important. Only by acknowledging and embracing our differences can we show the uniqueness and extraordinariness in our nature. At the same time, respecting different perspectives and accepting their collision can help us understand things objectively and comprehensively and generate new ideas. Seeking common ground and reserving differences form a complex of opposition and unity. Difference and uniformity coexist and grow with each other.
“Harmony without uniformity” is the common connection and inheritance of traditional culture and contemporary spirit. We hope to reinterpret this spirit from a new perspective through RUYI’ s new products in 2020. We hope that everyone can feel the joy and freedom from sharing with others while being independence when using our products. RUYI integrates abstract philosophy into real life with artistic language and imagery form, allowing us to enjoy the poetry of philosophy and the beauty of art in details. We hope to inherit and develop traditional culture in our designs while providing a more pleasant and free perspective on contemporary life.
向逆行者致敬 首开集团战疫主题展览揭幕
精选核心文物 故事活化主题 山西青铜博物馆升级开馆
城市与设计对话 2020上海设计周走出展览中心走进公共空间
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